About Us
Right Support. Right Way. Right Time
We are a supported living provider and a domiciliary care company that provides personal assistance to those who require additional support from the comfort of their own home. The range of services we provide allows people to get the help they need, whilst maintaining their independence and quality of life.
Our supported living services are designed for people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries or complex care needs.
We also offer a step down services designed to support people who are recovering from a mental health crisis which may have led to short or long term inpatient care.
Our team of professionals are highly experienced, compassionate, and well-trained support workers who are committed to providing the best care possible and assisting you with your day-to-day activities.
JS Supported Living Services is regulated by the CQC (Care Quality Commission).
JS Supported Living Services aims to:
Design and deliver person centred care, underpinned by evidence, which supports people to lead fuller, happier lives
Build capacity within community-based services which reduces demand and releases capacity from the acute sector and in-patient beds
Co-produce integrated services with our health, local government and voluntary sector partners around
the needs of the person to improve their outcomes and support them to achieve and sustain wellbeingDesign services which incorporate psychological therapies by building skills and capacity in our workforce
Step down services
Our step-down services are designed to support people who are recovering from a mental health crisis which may have led to short- or long-term in-patient care. A clinical environment is not always the best place for full recovery to take place and our service provides a place where people can get ready to move back to greater independence and their own home.

What we offer
JS Supported Living services delivers Living Independently, Feeling Enabled (LIFE) support practice and a Psychologically Informed Environment. The service is explicitly focused on enabling the person to develop and relearn skills, build confidence, self-management and resilience.
Our services is registered with the Care Quality Commission enabling us to deliver regulated activity for customers who need support consistently or from time to time with personal care and medication.
JS Supported living Services is managed by a clinically qualified manager or have a clinician embedded in the service structure. Either role can advise on managing complex risk and risk formulation, oversee medication and work in partnership with hospital discharge services and community mental health teams.
Mental Health
We provide support that helps customers recovering from mental health difficulties to live in the community, make a home and achieve their aspirations.
We deliver support to customers with learning disabilities and/or autism to help them make a home and achieve their aspirations.
Key benefits
Reduction in the length of hospital stay
Improved outcomes
Reduction of risk factors such as relapse, substance misuse, offending, long term institutionalisation
A therapeutic approach that Increases coping skills and resilience through a psychologically informed approach, overseen by clinical colleagues
Other helpful organisations
- Anxiety UK
- Care Quality Commission
- Give us a shout
- Hub of hope – local mental health support
- Mencap
- Mind
- National Autism Society
- The NHS
- Samaritans
- Scope
- Stay alive app
- Suicide prevention
Our LIFE Model
JS Supported Living services and clinical support model is about our customers living independently and feeling enabled (LIFE).
LIFE provides a framework for our support teams with clear principles and domains that structure, support, and enable customers to achieve their best life.
Principles of our LIFE model
LIFE, has three overarching principles:
Psychologically Informed: Our psychologically informed services focus on improving the emotional and psychological wellbeing of our customers, considering their psychological needs to deliver emotional health.
Person Centred: Our support is led by our customers and their choices. We work with each person and their team to identify what matters to them and their aspirations. This drives how and what we do.
Strengths Based: We look for what is strong and not wrong with people and build on their skills. We identify, recognise, and celebrate each customer’s unique gifts, talents, and resources.
Domains of our LIFE model
LIFE is split into three overlapping domains.
Wellbeing: We focus on what’s important to and for our customers. Encompassing both aspirations and management of risk so that they can extend and explore their world safely.
Skills: We concentrate on developing our customers’ skills to remain independent or gain independence. Encompassing communication, daily living and the ability to engage with local communities.
Physical health: We address personal behaviour and lifestyle risks, access to healthcare and enable reasonable adjustments. Covid-19 shone an evident and poignant light on health inequalities and re-energised our ambition to address them.